Anatomically correct body parts – for kids
Finding good sex ed resources is tricky. Some diagrams are difficult to comprehend. Some books have waaaaay too much detail. Set your own course using this collection of illustrations as a helpful prop. Show diverse naked bodies as well as the ‘insides’ and support your explanations for children from age 3 and up.
You’re their best teacher
You are the best person to decide how much information your child needs right now. Use these child-friendly pictures to support your family’s conversations about bodies and sex. Don’t leave it to the internet or other kids to teach your child what their body parts are correctly called. Do it your way - safe, values-aligned, as simple or detailed as you like and age-relevant.
Give shame the boot
Genitals – we’ve all got ‘em. Knowing how to name your vulva, penis, breasts or labia is just as important as naming your facial features. Give your child the age-suitable information they crave with these thoughtful illustrations. Remove any sense of shame, embarrassment or fear.
Every body is different
Your body-curious child wants to know what other bodies look like. Let them explore the body walls in this guide and help them understand that diversity is normal. Illustrations offer close ups and different angles, with labels to accurately name all our bits.
What you'll learn...

How to satisfy your child’s curiosity about bodies without giving them too much information (and over sexualising them)

Talk to your child about the differences between bodies (so they don’t undertake their own investigations by exploring with their friends)

Maintain control over how much information is given to your child

Choose images that range from simplistic to highly detailed

Have shame-free conversations about bodies that feel natural, not awkward

Start teaching body safety so that your child understands their genitals are private and what to do when someone touches them inappropriately