You KNOW it’s time to begin talking about bodies and sex…
But you’re feeling lost and overwhelmed. This crash course is your compass to steer your body-aware, sex-curious kid. Destination? Safe, healthy adulthood. Now, how to start that sex conversation…
Help them gradually piece it together
Sex, bodies, love, relationships. It’s a lot to comprehend. This crash course gives all you need to teach your child the complexities of these concepts over time. Weave in your values and beliefs and watch as they connect the dots.
Make it easy with small, ongoing conversations
Sex ed is easier and better when it’s an ongoing discussion rather than one cringeworthy, formal event. Weave it into daily life and talking about sex becomes a natural, non-awkward topic with you as their centre of trust. Explain menstruation on the drive to school, tackle erections over dinner, properly name body parts in puberty chats. It’s a journey, together.
Big picture sex education
Chances are your child already has an inkling that sex is more than reproduction. Teach them the big picture, with age-appropriate information. Provide detail as you need and where their curiosity leads with this crash course at your fingertips.
What you'll learn...

Essential topics including when to start sex education, what it entails.

The importance of parents as the primary source of information.

Address common challenges in starting sex ed conversations and discover practical strategies to overcome them.

What sex ed information your child needs to know and the best time to share it with them.

How to create a safe and comfortable environment for discussing love, sex and relationships with your child.

Build a strong foundation of trust and open communication with your child, fostering a healthy attitude towards sex and relationships.

Tips and practical advice on how to start these conversations and navigate any potential awkwardness.

… and where to find additional resources to further support you in these vital conversations.