Unbiased and indispensable sex ed answers
It seems like yesterday that they were a dribbly-nosed toddler trying to climb the stairs. Today, they’ve come home from school and asked, “Mum, what’s a blow job?” Quick. Stuff a biscuit in their mouth and reach for this book.
Every answer, for every age
Sex, bodies, puberty and relationships – all the OMG topics your child has heard on the playground are covered. Factual and straightforward, 200+ questions and answers are organised by age and topic. Whatever they ask, you’ll have the right answer.
Know how and what to say (and when you shouldn’t)
Duck and dodge, change-the-topic tactics don’t always pay off. Neither does telling your little one too much, too soon. With 25+ years expertise as a sexual health nurse, I help you explain sex in a straightforward plain-English way that is designed to meet your child’s developmental stage.
Be the askable parent
Being able to comfortably chat about sex, bodies and all the rest with your child makes you their reliable fact source. It’s better that you give them values-aligned, accurate information than they get it on YouTube. Position yourself as the askable adult now for a stronger, closer relationship as your child grows.
What you'll learn...

How to plan and give answers (and when you shouldn’t)

Answers to 200+ sex questions – organised by age and topic

Sex, babies, puberty, body parts, relationships, pregnancy, masturbation, pornography and contraception – all explained in inclusive language

Why your child is asking

Why it’s vital for parents to give the answers

How to know your child is ready to talk about sex

How to handle questions that don’t feel age-appropriate