Equip yourself to confidently, safely and regularly talk about porn with your child or teen
Empower your child
Empower your child to make informed choices around porn - so that when they stumble upon it (via a friend, by accident, or through their own research) they know what it is, and they can make smart decisions.
Educate your child
Open up communication with your child so they can come to you with their questions or worries (rather than friends, Google or online forums).
Prepare your child
Help them develop healthy expectations about love, sex and relationships (instead of this being ‘informed’ by porn).
What you'll learn...
Why you need to talk about porn
The sort of porn your child may be exposed to, when, where, how, and why it’s important to have these conversations.
How to get past your fears
What could stop you from having these important conversations about porn (your fears and doubts) and how to get past these roadblocks.
How to get more comfortable talking about porn and sex
Explore your own relationship with porn & sex so that even if the topic makes you uncomfortable, you can still talk with your child without feeling too embarrassed, awkward or nervous.
How to porn proof your child for the future
Discover 8 effective strategies to prepare, equip and empower your child to make smart decisions when faced with porn.
How to talk to your child about porn
Start talking to your child about porn in ways that feel natural, not awkward. Includes age-appropriate guidance for ages 3-11 and 12-18.
What to do when your child has already seen porn
Get into the right headspace so you can talk to your child about what they’ve seen and support them how to manage these situations in the future. We talk about different approaches before puberty (when sex is seen as a weird adult thing) and after puberty (when sex is seeming a lot more appealing).
How to keep porn an ongoing conversation
12 different strategies for starting conversations so whether you’ve got a curious questioner, or a subject-avoider, you’ll have a number of options.
Plan a talk that feels natural (not awkward)
7 steps to plan a conversation in advance, whether that’s your first ever conversation about porn or sex, or when there’s something in particular you want to discuss.